To make a purchase with your card, you will have to show your account to an on-site cashier onsite at the Mystic Lake Casino. Mystic Lake Store at Mall of America - Open 24 hours daily
If you don’t want to make a lot of change for just one slot on Thanksgiving – if you want to be a part of the win bonus, there is always a 20% cash back offer available by calling the phone number you see on the back of your wristband or visiting your slot machine. Click here to view some of Mystic Lake Casino's online casino games to check them out. If an automatic win streak is also being claimed, that is just $1,200 per slot) If you don’t want to play, there are also other ways to pick up your $800 bonus. Now it will cost you about $1,200 to win the jackpot. 1 million! The Treasure Island Casino Minnesota & Casino will also feature several major hotel and casino towers located close to the hotels. The first four Wild Cherry slots opened November 4, and the jackpot in January 2018 was $2. Today's Welcome Offer For All New Players